世界联合学院(UWC)于 1962 年在英国创建。学院旨在将二战后冲突地区的年轻人聚集起来,通过注重分享、合作与理解的教育,培养推动和平的使者。UWC 深信教育能够激励年轻人发挥最大的潜能。在风云变幻的二十一世纪,UWC 的教育理念和宗旨与当今社会依然息息相关,甚至更显重要。
UWC was founded in 1962 in England. The aim was to bring together young people from areas of post-war conflict to act as champions of peace through an education based on shared learning, collaboration and understanding. UWC firmly believes that through education comes the greatest hope for young people to realize their full potential. In the turbulent world of the 21st century, UWC’s aims and objectives are as relevant today as they were in 1962 – perhaps even more so.

UWC 在全球拥有18所院校,155 个国家和地区理事会。已有来自 180 多个国家的 60,000 多名学生在 UWC 院校接受教育和培训,绝大部分毕业生获得奖学金进入世界名校继续深造。 UWC 提供极富挑战的教育体验,引导学生关注社区及国际事务,服务他人,参与户外及体育运动,投身创造性的活动。
There are 18 UWC schools and colleges around the world. The education movement is represented in around 155 countries through their national committees. More than 60,000 students from over 180 countries have studied at UWC schools, the majority of UWC alumni continue their education in top colleges and universities with scholarships. UWC offers a transformative and challenging educational experience with focus on community engagement, international affairs, physical activities, service to others and creative pursuits.

中国常熟世界联合学院于 2015 年创立,是中国大陆唯一一所、全世界第15所 UWC,为学生提供一个多元文化的环境、具有挑战性和转型性的教育体验。绝大多数学生通过 UWC 国家理事会的严格选拔,作为自己国家或地区的代表来到常熟 UWC 生活、学习。学校按需求提供助学金,这些学生中有相当大的比例能够拿到全额或部分助学金。
UWC Changshu China was founded as the only UWC in China mainland in 2015 offering a challenging and transformative educational experience in a multicultural environment. Most of the students will be competitively selected by UWC national committees and many will receive needs-based scholarships to represent their region or country at UWC Changshu China.

UWC 的学生来自多元的背景(国籍、社会经济、文化、种族、宗教)并拥有各不相同的经历。UWC 非常鼓励并欢迎来自弱势背景的学生申请就读UWC 世界联合学院,并在不断努力,争取为所有被录取的学生提供最高达 100% 的以实际需求为基础的助学金。所有学生都是以其能力和潜力为基础进行选拔的,不受其家庭经济背景影响。
At UWC schools and colleges, students come from a deliberately diverse range of backgrounds (socio-economic, culture, race, religion, nationality) and experiences. UWC especially welcome and encourage students from disadvantaged backgrounds to apply to the UWC movement. UWC is continually working towards providing up to 100% needs-based scholarship coverage for all selected students. Students are selected on the basis of demonstrated merit and potential, irrespective of their family financial background.

为进一步扩大世界联合学院的资源和优势,常熟市成立了由中国常熟世界联合学院和市相关部门、板块共同组成的 “UWC+” 工作领导小组,旨在通过开展校地紧密合作,进一步提升常熟的国际化水平,推动常熟高质量发展走在前列。常熟 UWC 立足于常熟,回馈常熟,积极促进 “UWC+” 项目,通过促进对外交流,扩大教育影响,招才引智,社区联动等方面支持常熟的发展。常熟塔亚普拉运动健康度假区,拥有250间客房和75间服务式公寓的城市型度假酒店就坐落于风景秀丽的昆承湖中心的 “UWC+ 创新岛“ 上。
In order to further expand the resources and advantages of UWC, Changshu has established a “UWC+” project leading group composed of UWC Changshu and relevant municipal departments and sectors, aiming to further improve the internationalization level of Changshu and promote the high-quality development of Changshu through close cooperation between schools and regions. UWC Changshu gives back to the city according to its needs, actively promotes the “UWC+” project, and supports the development of Changshu by promoting foreign exchanges, expanding educational influence, recruiting talents and attracting talents, community linkage and so on. The Thanyapura Sports & Health Resort Changshu, a city-resort with 250 rooms and 75 serviced apartments is part of “UWC+” and it’s located on the “UWC + Innovation Island” in the center of the scenic Kuncheng lake.

塔亚普拉首席执行官兼总裁菲利普先生在深耕酒店行业的同时,同样热衷于教育和慈善事业,作为泰国普吉岛世界联合学院的联合创始人,他深知 UWC在人才培养方面的独特价值,也深知奖学金对贫苦学子的重要意义。为助力常熟世界联合学院教育资源的发展,也为了日后广大有理想、有学识、有能力、有爱心的 UWC 学子们能更好地回馈 “UWC+ 创新岛“,回馈常熟和整个社会,菲利普先生已代表塔亚普拉于近日与中国常熟世界联合学院创始人、董事会主席王嘉鹏先生签署捐赠协议,自常熟塔亚普拉运动健康度假区开业之日起,每年都会将度假区的一部分营业收入捐赠给 UWC 的教育发展基金会。
Mr. Philipp Hardenberg, Executive Chairman and President of Thanyapura, while deeply engaged in the hospitality industry, is also keen on education and charity. As the co-founder of UWC Thailand, he is well aware of the unique value of UWC in talent development and the importance of scholarships to poor students. In order to help the development of UWC Changshu’s educational resources, and also for all the aspiring, knowledgeable, capable and caring UWC students to better give back to “UWC + Innovation Island”, Changshu and the whole society, he has recently represented Thanyapura resort signed a donation agreement with Mr. Wang Jiapeng, Founder and Chairman of the board of directors of Changshu UWC. From the date of the resort opening, part of the operating income of the Changshu Thanyapura Sports & Health Resort will be donated to UWC’s education development foundation every year.